ارسال شده توسط Sadjad | و زمان ۱۳۸۱/۱۱/۲۶
اگه سینمای ایران فقط یه بازیگر بخواد به نظر من پرویز پرستویی کافیه....
ارسال شده توسط Sadjad |
Hello All
This is a temporary page that is installed and there are a number of reasons why you see it.
1. The server is being maintained or being upgraded. Just sit back and relax, we are already working on solving the problem.
2. The network provider is doing a maintenance on datacenter or its backbone and so we don't have network access to server.
3. We are under hacker attacks and in these cases we disconnect all connections to our server to reduce risk and review and harden the system security.
If the problem is our fault we profusely apologise for the inconvenience it has caused you. In case of an upgrade we do try our best to schedule these events in the middle of the night to maximise uptime and we only maintain them during business hours and heavy-load hours in case of an emergency .
At any case don't worry about your data, everything is safe and untouched!
Our mailserver is always up and working and you can contact us via email: contact@persianblog.com
Yours sincerely
Persian Blog Team
ارسال شده توسط Sadjad | و زمان ۱۳۸۱/۱۱/۱۲
نمي دونم اين سريال پاورچين رو كه شبكه 5 پخش مي شه رو ميبينيد يا نه ولي اگه از من ميشنويد از دستش نديد. درضمن شبكه 5 بصورت آنلاين روي اينترنت قابل مشاهده ست. اگه ببينيد مي فهميد كه ايراني و برره اي خيلي با هم فرقي ندارن!
ارسال شده توسط Sadjad |
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